Saturday, June 4, 2011

Notice the Rainbow

I love thunderstorms, I can't remember ever being one of those kids who was deathly afraid of them. In fact the only memory I really have involving thunderstorms and it's a good one. When we were kids we use to swim at my grandparents in-ground pool all the time. You could see the thunderstorm coming across town and they would warn us we would soon have to get out of the pool. But we wouldn't have it, we practically lived in that pool and wouldn't give up without a fight. So one time my grandfather came up with this idea that if we jumped into the pool after we hear the thunder we would be safe because lightning strikes before you hear the thunder. So thats what we did for many thunderstorms to follow all 7 of my cousins would be jumping in and out of the pool for the whole storm. 

It's one of those things in life that many of us fret while its going on and its right in front of us but then hardly notice when it passes. When your caught in the rain with no umbrella your bound to notice but when the drizzle stops and the dark clouds keep moving its like nothing ever happened. 

Sometimes its easy for my life to feel this way, I fret about money, juries, the dog barking, the car breaking down, or the keys I cant find, and at that point in time it feels like my life revolves around the issue at hand. I can pray and pray and pray my butt off but how often do I forget to say thank you, or notice when he takes that burden away. I pray that my eyes are open to see every blessing and not to take it for granted. I want to notice every rainbow...

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