Saturday, February 5, 2011

Brick walls

For many people it's easy to comment on the very big issues that effect the world around us. Poverty, homelessness, injustice, drugs, crime, unemployment, racism just to name a few. It's easy to have all the answers when they are just words in a newspaper or the latest story on CNN. Harsh judgments are made without even knowing all the facts. So when people decide to spout off I sometimes cant help but to say something back. Just through experience I have learned at times it's just better to keep my mouth shut knowing that they are too stubborn to even listen to what I have to say. However you can only talk about all these things and share your all too close minded opinions because they have no personal attachment, but for me they have a name and a face and THAT is the reason that I at times cannot keep my mouth shut. It breaks my heart when I hear some of the comments made by the people around me, they are attacking my kids that did nothing to deserve the words that your using to describe them. My mom told me tonight she doesn't understand why we even continue the conversation when we know where it will end up. Personally its because I believe that I am responsible. I have seen, and now I am responsible. Responsible for change, for love, and for awareness even if that means feeling like I am talking to a brick wall at times.


  1. You're their representative. Someone needs to speak up for those who can't speak for themselves It's the sign of a true friend to stand up for those you love when someone talks bad about them even behind their back. We're supposed to do that for Jesus, but Jesus also said that whatever we do for the least of these we do for Him. But as someone who can get incredibly defensive about things I have to represent, I know how hard it is decide when is best to speak and when is best to just leave things be. On a side note, I like how I read the title "brick walls" and then you reinforced/connected the whole thing with your last line. :)
